Our ripple control systems work reliably and efficiently. For the evaluation of this efficiency, the RKS transmits all stored alarms, events and measurement values to the connected PC. The ripple control transmitter also generates a comprehensive operating protocol, but this is usually only consulted when a fault occurs in the system. It can be very useful, however, to know a little more about how the system as a whole is working.
With the option “Transmitter interface” the RKS command unit is connected to the suitable ripple control transmitters SRS or SFU-K via a serial interface. In this way an exchange of important data between transmitter and command unit takes place, which brings some essential advantages for the operator:
- Transmission of all transmitter operating data to the central control unit.
- In case of a transmitter alarm or transmitter warning, the message text of the transmitter is displayed, which enables a faster and more accurate fault analysis already at the first sighting of the alarm entries at the command unit.
- Transmitter data (e.g. currents and voltages) are recorded with each transmission and displayed in a monthly graph for analysis.
- The time in the transmitters is synchronized with the time in the control center. This eliminates tiresome readjustments at the transmitter and the half-yearly changeovers between summer and winter time.
The screenshot below shows an example of a recording of the transmitter currents. In most cases only a connection cable is needed for the connection between the controller and the ripple control transmitter, so it can be realised with little effort.
If you would like to retrofit your command system with the option transmitter interface please contact your local contact point.