Broadband Powerline Communications: putting the “smart” into the smart grid
For Smart Metering and Smart Grids to become a reality, a powerful communications platform which is able to transport key energy data in real-time is essential. It needs to be IP-based and broadband and offer secure encryption.
Our Broadband Powerline technology fulfils these requirements and more by transporting data directly over the existing power grid.
Not only is BPL the optimal solution but, with no monthly fees and no third-party dependency, it is one of the most cost-efficient solutions available.
IP-based, real-time transmission with broadband frequency
Security – Flexibility – Scalability
PPC’s BPL system is adapted to meet the operating standards and network operations of the energy provider whilst maintaining full operation of the power grid. Dynamic switching between the various devices ensures optimal connection quality at all times, even during switching processes in the distribution network. Our BPL system is able to automatically adapt to all conditions in the various operating modes of the power grid and this adaptability enables its use in electricity networks with various configurations such as meshed, ring or tree structures.
Based on TCP/IP protocol our BPL system offers a wide range of future-proof applications. Dynamic routing and smart repeaters guarantee optimal connectivity and great flexibility in the installation of entry points.